With midterms here, and finals rapidly approaching, exam tension is at an all-time high. While some students study for hours on end, many cram days’ worth of material in the night before. However, with an effective study technique, you can almost guarantee a grade you will be satisfied with.
One of the most effective study methods is known as the “Feynman Technique.” To use this method, get a whiteboard or even just a simple piece of paper. Write a lesson plan for your topic of choice and act as if you are teaching a sixth grader! If you have a friend in the same class, consider teaching each other! If you can teach it, you truly understand it!
For this next method, it is essential to know how to take proper notes. I recommend using the “Cornell notes,” layout. To create this format, draw a horizontal section at the bottom of the page. In the top portion of the paper, create a vertical section that occupies about one-third of the page. In the larger vertical section, write your notes, main ideas, and any important sentences. In the smaller section, jot down vocabulary, questions, or dates. Finally, in the horizontal section at the bottom, write a summary of the material. Using the Cornell Notes method, try a study technique called “active recall.” To implement this, read over your notes three times, reciting all the information aloud. Afterward, flip your paper over and attempt to recall any information you can. Once you finish, turn the page back over and check off anything you successfully recalled. Review all the items you missed and repeat!
The final technique I will share is known as the “Pavlov Dog Study Method.” To implement this method, begin by reviewing your notes and focusing on the questions you are confident you can answer correctly. Next, create flashcards for these questions. Before each question you know the answer to, play a bell sound or another recognizable noise; I recommend using a bell sound available on YouTube. For the questions you answer incorrectly, play a different, more irritating sound. This approach will condition you to avoid the unpleasant noise at all costs.
Using these methods, your academic life will improve rapidly! These various techniques may work differently for each individual, and all supported by scientific research. Best of luck this academic season, and remember to study effectively!