Letters to the editor are a staple of newspapers. They provide an opportunity for the community to express opinions on articles in the publication, or issues that impact them. They are a form of persuasive writing, generally presenting an argument and supporting it with evidence.
Here is a guide to writing a letter to the editor from Indeed.com,
You can use our form to submit a letter. We offer no guarantee that a letter will be published. Letters may be edited for grammatical correctness and space considerations. We absolutely will not publish letters deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, antisemitic, transphobic, or contains language that reflects those values.
Letter to the Editor
You have important ideas and opinions about things going on in the world, things going on at school, shows you've watched, music you listen to, and loads of other things. Write down those thoughts in a letter to the editor, then use this form to submit your Letter to the Editor for possible publication in the Eagle's Voice